Chim Sao Terminal Marine-POVO

fpso-lewek-emas-2 fpso-lewek-emas-1


A. Introduction

The Terminal is located in Block 12W offshore Vietnam – about 160n.m south east of Vung Tau. Its exact location is 07°20’39.96”N, 108°18’43.23”N.
Mariners are referred to Admiralty Chart No 3482.

The Terminal acts as offloading terminal for crude oil produced at the Chim Sao and Dua oil fields offshore Vietnam.

The main Field facilities are comprised of the following:

  • a floating production storage and offloading facility;
  • a well head platform;
  • Dua subsea well heads
  • FPSO – Dua subsea well heads pipelines
  • FPSO – WHР infield pipelines; and
  • Gas Offtake pipeline running from FPSO to connect to the Nam Con Son Pipeline system

The Field facilities are located at the following co-ordinates (In WGS 84):

WHP07°19’57.18” N108°17’49.05” E
FPSO:07°20’39.96” N108°18’43.23” E
Dua subsea:07°27’23.16” N108°24’54.77” E

Terminal limits.

Terminal limits are defined by areas within the 2 circle of radius of 2 n.m with the center at the WHP and FPSO coordinates above.

B. FPSO particulars:

Berth Type: Turret weathervane

Mooring type: tandem

The Terminal consists of the FPSO Emas Lewek, with the major particulars as follows:
IMO number 7506039
Name of ship Lewek Emas
Call Sign 9V8904
Flag Singapore
MMSI 564 070 000
Gross tonnage 94647
Summer Load line Displacement 211,214
DWT 172,132
Cargo tank capacity excl. Slops 683,024 bbls
Length overall 290.37m
Breadth moulded 50.59m
Depth moulded 23.77m

C. Recommendations for Export Tanker approaching Chim Sao Terminal Marine:

  • Contact Operation Supervisor of FPSO for permission to enter MEZ at least 10 NM away from FPSO on VHF CH 12/16; FPSO’s Call Sign: LEWEK EMAS CONTROL.
  • Without Mooring Master on board, all vessels are requested to keep a safe distance (at least 2 NM) from the following installations within MEZ (see attached sketch).
  • A mooring team of 5 to 6 persons will come on board Export Tanker for offloading operation. Before the team coming aboard, to save time for preparation the following should be ready:
    • Pilot combination ladder on lee side (agreed with Operation Supervisor or Mooring Master); height: 1.5m over sea level.
    • Ship crane: to pick up the toolbox from Supply Boat. Crane runner must be connected by a stinger with safety latch hook (length: 2.0-3.0m) and tag lines in case of bad weather.
    • Oxygen analyzer: to check oxygen in loading tanks before offtake under the witness of Mooring Master or his delegate.
    • Deployment of Tanker’s messenger line: 24-36 mm diam. x 220 M rope to be arranged (see attached Sketch) for Semi-Boatless Hose Transfer on Port side Manifold. The Aft maindeck windlass (in front of Accommodation Block) must be empty and ready to heave.
    • Depending on prevailing weather condition and OSV availability, Terminal may apply “Boatless Hose Transfer” method for delivering offloading hose end from FPSO to Tanker manifold. Hence, Expoort Tanker may be requested to prepare 2 coil of messenger 24-36 mm x 220m connected in tandem and deployed as sketch attached below.
    • On Forecastle: winch drum with direct lead to the 76mm chain stopper must be empty to accept a 220 metres of 24-36mm messenger and 150 metres of 72mm pick-up line of the tandem mooring system. Just a short messenger 24-36mm x 30-50m to be connected to winch drum and ready to use. 1 crowbar, 1 hammer to be ready.
    • On poop deck: Aft poop deck windlass, 2 heaving lines, 1 chain stopper, 1 plier, 1 crowbar, 1 hammer must be ready for picking up towing pendant wire.
  • In case of bad weather and request of deviation is granted, the pilot boarding ground is Mui Vung Tau (10°15’N; 107°05’E). Please contact Vung Tau Port Control on VHF 16/09 from distance 24NM, 12 NM, 6 NM to the POB point for more information and instructions.
Preparation For Semi-Boatless Cargo Hose Transfer Onboard Export Tanker At Chim Sao Terminal
Preparation For Semi-Boatless Cargo Hose Transfer Onboard Export Tanker At Chim Sao Terminal
CS & DUA Field Safety And Exclusion Zones
CS & DUA Field Safety And Exclusion Zones
Preparation For Boatless Cargo Hose Transfer
Preparation For Boatless Cargo Hose Transfer

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* All information of our projects are issued and permitted to post on this website by the Terminal Operators or our Clients. MM Marine is not responsible for any errors, omissions and consequences of the accuracy of these documents. The map, diagrams included are for reference only, they should not be used for ship’s navigation to approach, inbound/outbound or transiting Terminal areas