As experts in shiphandling and marine activities, we offer consultancy in pilotage, towing, rig moving…
Jobs performed offshore include:
- Supervising offshore prelaid and hook-up operations.
- Supervising heavy lift operations for offshore installations.
- Offshore terminal regulations preparation.
- Offshore terminal opening approval.
- MEZ & Pilot Boarding Ground Declaration.
- Feasibility Study of FSO/FPSO working at offshore fields in Viet Nam water.
- Feasibility Study of LPG tanker working as nearshore transshipment/stowage point in Viet Nam water.
- The initial and / or renewal of ISPS certificate of offshore oilfield terminal.
- The prevailing Laws, Regulations compliance
Jobs offered in inland waterways/rivers:
- Pilotage for various kinds of vessels
- Towing giant structures
- Rig moving, rig loading/unloading
- Dock master